Leo is the pitbull that Katie Newhouser, a UPS driver, met while doing her routes in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Leo lived in one of the apartment complexes she often delivered to, Leo would always greet her and jump in the front of the truck. On one of her visits she learned that Leo’s mom had died so she volunteered to foster him. But once Leo was at her home, he immediately bonded with Moose, her Lab mix and that is how she decided to welcome him in the family by adopting Leo.
“I met Leo and his mom Tina on my route – they lived ina condo complex that I deliver to,” Katie told Life With Dogs. “He would always bark for her to let him come down to the truck to see me. He would hop into my truck and make himself at home!”
About a year ago, as Katie was returning from vacation and back to work, as she was doing her route at Leo’s building she saw Canon (Tina’s son) carrying furniture to the back of his truck. In the past, Tina had told Katie that the condo association were complaining to her about Leo- residents were asking for Leo to wear a muzzle ( even though he is a very friendly dog) – so she figured she was moving.
To her surprise, when visiting Tina’s Facebook page that is when she learned that she had passed away.
At the time, Canon was completing his training with the Marines, trying to help in some way Katie told him that she could take care of Leo until he was back from his training. It was during that time when Leo and Moose met and got along so well that both Katie and Canon agreed it wouldn’t be fair to separate them.
“He realized that Leo had bonded with my dog Moose and he couldn’t go back to being a single dog.”
Since then the family has added some new members, Bailey a terrier mix and two cats, Mocha and Bailey. Leo is well adjusted to his new home, however in the beginning you could tell he missed his mom so much.
“At first it was a little sad, he would whine a bit at night. I believe that he missed Tina,” Katie explained. “He is the biggest cuddle bug that you will ever meet. There are many times when I wake up and he is resting his head on mine.”
In case you are interested there is a Facebook page called UPS DOGS, it is amazing! UPS drivers apparently meet a lot of dogs on the delivery routes jaja. When Katie posted her story there it went viral immediately.
Katie knew about the bad rep pitbulls have, but it was not until she got Leo that she realized how bad it really was. Today she is happy to advocate for them, telling people how wonderful and friendly Leo is.
“He loves to snag things off of the counter and have you chase him,” Katie said. “He is a character! He really is the best dog.”