Ideas For A Healthy, Happy Dog

You might have a dog already as a part of your family or if you are looking to add one, you are probably aware of the care that owning a dog requires. It is important to educate yourself and become informed before jumping into it. Here are some tips that will help you and your dog on the journey:

-Most people are aware that chocolate is bad for dogs, however most people don’t know why that is. One reason that chocolate is dangerous is because the stimulants caffeine, another reason is because it contains theobromine which can be extremely toxic, baking chocolate being the most dangerous. Consult with your veterinarian if your dog ingested chocolate.

-Watching out for fleas is a continued effort for the lifetime of your dog. Fleas can cause infection and if swallowed your dog might get tapeworms as well. Talk to your veterinarian for best prevention methods but be aware, this is not a one and done deal.

-Some dogs are easily excitable or very rowdy, if that is the case with your dog experts recommend not to bring him along on vacation. Being around strangers on top of the thrill and confusion of the new place might be too much for a hyper dog and it is possible that unpleasant incidents occur. There are options for places to care for your dog while on vacation. 

-Making your dog’s food from scratch not only is a great way to provide your dog with the healthiest diet, it is also a positive way to contribute to the earth’s environment. In order to provide her with all the proteins, carbs and fats she needs you can buy locally grown organic ingredients avoiding preservatives and reducing the waste from packaging. —

-Grooming your dog is a process that you should pick and choose when it happens. It is better if your dog is calm and tired, after a long walk for example. Attempting to groom him while he is in a frisky mood it might not go well.

-Real meet bones are tempting to give to your pet however sticking with rawhide is a better idea. It is possible for real bones to chip and hurt your dog if sharp fragments are ingested. Rawhide on the other hand is completely healthy and improves his teeth.

Keeping your dog happy and healthy shouldn’t be a difficult task, lots of love and patience are key to accomplish it. Following this tips should help you take good care of your dog.

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