Really, Your Dog Knows When You Are Drunk 

Remember back in the day after having a few drinks at a party, trying to sneak into your bedroom thinking your mom would not notice? Good luck with that eh? Most likely she always knew what was going on. Well the same thing happens with your dog, no that he is judging you or that he is going to ground you but that he is able to tell when you have been drinking.

Here are some ways dogs know when someone has had a few too many drinks:


Body language


Routine changes

One of the amazing aspects of the dog-human bond is that we have evolved to respond to one another. Your dog is attuned to your every move and that is why it is important to understand why it matters that your dog knows when you have been drinking.



By far dogs have a better sense of smell than humans, the part of the brain that is dedicated to analyze smells is 40 times greater in dogs compared to humans. They are so good at smelling practically everything. Because of this some dogs are able to sniff out cancer or to know when a woman is pregnant just based on the scent of her changing hormones.

And is with that superpower that they can smell when you have had even a little bit of booze. Your breath or even the alcohol coming from your pores can be easily detected by him, so your smell is what let’s them know that you had a couple drinks.

It is possible that your dog might avoid you a little bit just because your “scent profile” is different than usual. 

However if having a glass of wine at the end of the day is part of your routine it is possible that your dog has adjusted to that scent already. It is only when the scent is stronger than usual that he might be taken aback.


-Body Language 

As we all know drinking might cause some people to act and move differently, your pet responds to your body language so if you are stumbling around and bumping into walls and other people your lack of balance might be a cause of concern for your dog. The same applies if you are getting loud or sleepy, if you start laughing or crying  a lot, he will know that something is not right.



Because drinking makes people less inhibited not just with other humans but also with our dogs. People may start chasing their dog around or trying to hug them and kiss them more than usual, that is overwhelming for them (the dog) which will cause them to maybe steer away from you. 

It is important that under these circumstances to try and minimize any erratic behavior and movements around your pet to avoid confusion or make them feel unsafe or scared.


-Routine Changes

The morning after a night of drinking might be a rough one! And as much as your dog won’t mind that you slept in it does not mean that he won’t be anxious to go outside (especially if nature is calling). And even if he notices that you are not your best, that won’t stop him from wanting your attention and who knows, time with your furry friend can be a great cure for the hangover. 


-Alcohol is not for Dogs

A very important tip is to never ever leave alcoholic beverages around your dog. He can be tempted to try them and alcohol is NOT good for dogs. Alcohol is very harmful to their health and hard on their bodies. Do the responsible thing and keep it away from your pup. 


It is important to know that dogs are affected by how our behavior changes when we drink, so try to keep in mind these tips next time you are enjoying a couple drinks around your pet so he’ll feel safe and calm. 


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