Are There Any Benefits When Dogs And Kids Grow Up Together?

Dogs are cute, cuddly and very friendly, that’s why most kids love dogs. Growing up with a dog can be very beneficial for a child’s physical and psychological development. Here are 5 of many benefits of dogs being in a kid’s life:

1.- Constant Companionship

Being a child is not always easy and that is why having a dog around as a constant companion during the ups and downs might help your kid deal better with those times. Dogs can provide great levels of comfort on those difficult life lessons. When feeling sad, angry or afraid, they can always turn to their dog for comfort. It has been shown that petting and cuddling with your dog help to relieve stress and to relax.

2.- A More Active Lifestyle

Dogs require a lot of caring for, many dogs require daily walks or runs and plenty of play time which will encourage a more active lifestyle. Children with dogs at home exercise 11 minutes more a day than those without, that might not sound like a lot but it adds up over a period of a week or months.

3.- Learning Responsibility

Owning a dog creates a great opportunity for a kid to learn responsibility. Making sure that the dog has food and water helps kids with accountability and obligation. Caring for their pet helps them learn empathy and compassion, also a higher sense of self esteem is developed by having their own dog related responsibilities.

4.- Health Is Wealth

According to some studies, babies that are in close and constant contact with dogs are less likely to get sick in their first year of life, translating in much fewer visits to the doctor. It is also suggested that the baby’s immune system improves from the exposure to the dander and microbes that pets bring into the house from the outside. Some research also found that the risk of allergies is reduced significantly on kids that grow up with a dog.

5.-Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

One of (if not) the greatest benefits of growing up with a dog is simply the fact that dogs make kids happy! The levels of serotonin and dopamine have been proven to increase when interacting with animals, which are the chemicals that create positive feelings. Playing and interacting with dogs is just so much fun, it can brighten any children’s day. One of the greatest gifts we can give our kids is having a dog be part of the family.

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