How To Introduce A Dog Or Cat To A Baby:

Having a new baby is such an exciting time! Bringing home your new baby might mean a lot of change for your dog or cat. Some planning and preparation are going to be required to help your four-legged family member adjust to this changes. Keep reading for some tips on how to introduce your pet to a baby.

Preparing your pet for a baby, why is this important?

Your pet is a member of the family and bringing a new baby might cause a disruption in the daily routine of your pet. From your pet’s perspective there is a smaller human only with sounds, smells and moves that are different from yours.

All of this might be distressing for your pet. It is possible that your dog or cat associates this stress with the baby and makes a negative impression on your pet that can last. And that is why it is very important to prepare your pet in advance of the baby coming home. Some gradual changes are important before introducing your pet to the baby, especially before the baby’s arrival.

Here are 5 ways that can help you prepare your dog or cat for the new baby:

“It’s best to make gradual changes in your pet’s routine rather than abrupt changes when the baby arrives,” explains Ragen McGowan, Purina Senior Scientist, Human/Animal Bond. Luckily, you have several months (during pregnancy) so your pet can be ready for the arrival of your baby.

-Your daily pet’s routine should be adjust to one you can keep consistent

-Special one on one times with your pet are important 

-Work on obedience training for your dog 

-There should be a few pet-free zones around the house

-Baby equipment like strollers should be introduce to your pet(s)

Dogs need more preparation than cats?

Typically dogs have more of a set routine than cats. When the baby arrives a lot of that routine will most likely change. The new routine, the new sounds and the new smells could be upsetting your dog and that is why is important to prepare your dog in advance of the arrival of the new baby.

Here are some tips to bring your baby home 

Let mom come in alone, that “will give pets time to say hi without them jumping up on the baby,” McGowan says.

Once mom said hi, you can bring the baby to a pet-free room, that way your pet can smell and hear your baby and get familiar with them.

“For dogs especially, it can be helpful to make introductions with a helper bringing the dog into a neutral room on a leash where you are sitting holding the baby,” McGowan explains. That creates an opportunity for your dog to approach both you and the baby calmly. 

Cat or cats introduction to a baby is a little different than introducing a dog. For this you need another person to help, as you are holding the baby, have the helper approach carrying the cat and join you. This way your cat can approach and withdraw on his own.

Remember that this is a new experience for your pet and your baby.

Good and calm behavior should be rewarded with praise and treats.

Remember to give plenty of attention to your pet when the baby is in the same room, that way your pet will associate positive experiences with the baby.

Please DO NOT leave the baby alone with your pet, even if it seems like your pet is easy going and friendly.

At the end of the day you want your baby and your pet to develop a deep and loving bond and that is why a well planned and positive introduction is so important to create that life lasting bond.

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